Our Team`

Prior to transitioning this foundation into a public program, it had been immensely rewarding to support students by providing them with school supplies, speaking at career events, and privately sponsoring community events.

A handful of us had a personal objective of becoming mentors, outreach counselors, and informal school trustees in the beginning, but now we have a wide range of jobs, but the same mission.

Since we met with a number of schools and communities, we have personally agreed to find and work with people who want to give back.

Congratulations to the students we’ve worked within the past, as well! You are the best and brightest in the world, and your schools are the best and brightest in your communities.

Board of Directors

D. Miller
Chair & CO-Founder: Blue Scholarship Fund: Law Enforcement/Public Safety/ Consultant/Opinion-Writer/Commentary/Advocate

Moses Soumahoro
Financial Coordinator, & Compliance
Aetna- Financial Compliance CT/Ivory Coast

Johnny C Reid -Retired-Teacher: Program Coordinator-Jamaica/Trinidad and Tobago Operations

Board of Advisors

Majovie Bland:  Philadelphia:  Emergency Medical Paramedic: Youth City Program Coordinator

Mr. Montelle Felix:   He has been a member of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force for over ten years. 

Leon Evans:  Location- London England:  Educator-Youth Counselor

Andy McMillan:  Educator: Maryland Public School

Donovan Buckle:  News  Analyst/ Youth Development-Track & Field Consultant-New York, U.S.A


Mr. M. Hughes: (British West Indies) Retired Police Chief-/Public Safety Consultant

Brian Mburumwaura: Youth Advocate-Community Leader: Tanzania

C Evans-Counselor, Global Network-Caribbean region

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